Learning to drive can be a difficult and sometimes frustrating experience, hence finding the right instructor who can help you through the learning process can be equally frustrating. Therefore, if you are looking for driving lessons in South east London with a school who will understand and fulfil your needs and best interests to pass first time, then let’s discuss your requirements and latest prices, so we will put you on the right track to achieving your full driving Licence.
For more information, you can click on contact to email us, or simply click on the numbers below to call or you can just send a text, WhatsApp the choice is entirely up to you.
- Our teaching methods will ensure you that we will teach you to be safe, skillful and confident driver
- All lessons are one to one tuition no car sharing policy
- Current Offer for non drivers - first 4 lessons for £90 at 50 minutes each or contact us for latest prices
- We currently cover most of the South East London areas
- Registered Instructors:
- All our instructors are registered with and licensed by the DVSA
- We are members of the Driving Instructors Association (DIA) and instructors are DBS checked by the DVSA
- We are proud to be highly recommended from previous and existing pupils
- All instructors use the latest teaching methods
- Our driving lessons and courses are structured to get you to test standard as quickly as possible!
Range of Lessons:
The range of lessons we offer is comprehensive and includes tuition to suit pupils who have never been behind the wheel before through to intensive courses as well as refresher lessons, pass plus, motorways and advanced for drivers who wish to get out on the open road in the shortest possible time. Visit our intensive courses page to find out more.
For more information click on FAQS to visit the page.
In car training
During a typical lesson
Your driving instructor will base your lessons either on a new subject, or practicing and improving an existing skill you’ve learnt in previous lessons. Every lesson (apart from your very first), will begin with a brief review of your previous lesson and we will talk about what you’ve learnt. This will then decide what the new lesson will be on the day with a brief review from your instructor before you start to drive.
Our guidance
With every introduction to a new subject, your instructor will explain to you in full and demonstrate how it’s done and if appropriate your turn to practice. You will never be “thrown in at the deep end”, or be asked more than you are capable of doing. After the lesson has finish, your instructor will review and discuss how things went and then prepare for your next lesson.
Little & Often
We will teach you to focus on just one or two skills per lesson. That way you can remember those few skills and learn them quickly. If we taught you to learn many skills during a lesson, you will remember little and it will take far longer to achieve them and you may end up feeling frustrated. (One of the reasons why intensive courses are not always the best way to learn).
Doing it on your own
As mentioned earlier, when you are first introduced to a new subject, your instructor will give you a full explanatory briefing. Once that has been completed, you will then practice, and be “talked through” what you are doing. Once you are comfortable, the level of assistance given to you will gradually be reduced, so that you are able to perform the activity with just “prompting and corrective assistance”. Eventually, that level of help will be reduced, as you demonstrate your ability to perform on your own, to “test standard”.